Perhaps you're wondering if orthodontic treatment can treat the alignment that you have with your teeth.
Many people confuse an orthodontist as someone who only deals with orthodontic braces. The orthodontic field is a lot more extensive than that, as there are several methods an orthodontist can use to treat your issues.
1. Biting Problems
Perhaps it's an issue with your bite. Orthodontists can help you fix many different biting issues such as an overbite (front teeth are too far in front) or an underbite (bottom teeth are too far in front).
You might also have a crossbite, which means that you have a tooth or two that protrudes out too far. Rather than resting over the bottom tooth, it's closer to the inside of your cheek.
There might also be an issue with an open bite or reverse bite. No matter the issue, your orthodontist has the experience and know-how to fix them!
2. Crowded Teeth
They can also help you with crowding teeth, which are caused by a smaller jaw, thus providing less space for the teeth to grow in.
You might notice that some of your teeth have grown over the others due to the lack of space. Obviously, this can cause significant issues for your
dental hygiene
if it's not corrected.
The orthodontic treatment might include cutting out a tooth or two prior to putting in orthodontic braces, Invisalign, or other methods.
3. Spacing Issues
One of the most common issues with the alignment of your teeth is improper spacing. If you have large gaps in between your teeth, then orthodontic braces can help you get rid of them.
The spacing might be caused by the way your adult teeth grew in or by a tooth that was pulled, never grew in, etc. No matter the cause, your trusted orthodontist can help you find the right treatment method for getting rid of those gaps.
This will help you have more confidence in your smile, as well as a more efficient way of biting down on the food that you eat.